liturgical ministries


Altar servers participate with the priest in performing various parts of the liturgy. They help prepare the altar, light the candles and perform other tasks as assigned. Altar servers assist at the weekend masses and other special liturgies. Adult servers assist at weekday masses.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the clergy in the distribution of Holy Communion within the parish of Our Lady of Grace Church. Extraordinary Ministers distribute Holy Communion at all weekday and weekend masses. To ensure the opportunity to receive Holy Communion to all desiring Catholics within the parish boundaries, Extraordinary Ministers visit hospitals, nursing homes and home-bound parishioners weekly.


The Ministers of Hospitality greet, welcome and assist the faithful as they gather for worship. They assist in seating parishioners, help at the offertory, appoint and assist gift bearers, and direct the Communion process.


Lectors proclaim the Word of God at the Holy Mass in a clear, persuasive manner with an interpretive emphasis, so that the faithful may discover anew God's Word, alive in our assembly.


The Sacristans open the Church for Mass. They keep track of and order hosts, wine, candles etc. as needed. They check in with the different ministries to make sure all are covered (Lectors, Altar Servers etc.)



The clergy of Our Lady of Grace Church strive to bring the Eucharistic presence of our Lord Jesus and his gospel, as presented by the Catholic faith, to our imprisoned brothers and sisters for their spiritual nourishment; and to welcome former inmates back into the Catholic community making sure they know that they are loved members of our faith community. Our Lady of Grace Parish, in the spirit of Jesus who was both convict and victim, is committed to carrying on this special outreach of hope inaugurated by Jesus, by serving those convicted of crime and advocating for those victimized by crime.


Music is integral to the celebration of any liturgical event. The voice of the assembly is the primary voice in any liturgy. Singing unifies and deepens our communal prayer. Singing together, we become one body in Christ. The gift of music is a treasure to be shared. The Music Ministry department at Our Lady of Grace Church offers a wide variety of musical experiences for parishioners of all ages. We are constantly welcoming new members to our ensembles. Whether you are interested in joining our Adult Choir, Family Mass Singers, Life Teen Choir or Cantors you can be sure that you will be joining people with whom you will share many wonderful moments of making music and lively fellowship.


The mission of the Our Lady of Grace Respect Life Committee is to foster a respect for life through prayer, study, community, and apostolic witness. We acknowledge and promote the belief that every human life, from fertilization to natural death, is unique and created in the image of God; it is our goal to educate, encourage, and equip others to do the same. We acknowledge that it is our sacred reality to protect and defend those who cannot speak for themselves: the weak and defenseless, especially the unborn and the dying. And we acknowledge that we do so only by seeking always to grow closer to God, for it is only through Him that we can know and serve the life He has created. The Our Lady of Grace Respect Life Committee meets monthly. 


The Mission of the Our Lady of Grace Women's Guild is to serve the needs of the parish family by supporting the work of its many ministries and to serve the surrounding community while enhancing spiritual growth and fellowship among its members. In addition to its service to the parish, the Guild strives to reach out to women and children in need through specific programs and projects in conjunction with parish ministries and other worthy activities not served by those ministries. The Our Lady of Grace Women's Guild is open to all women of the Parish. Join us the second Wednesday of each month, October through April. 


The Knights of Columbus is among the world's foremost Catholic fraternal benefit societies. The Order has helped families obtain economic security and stability through a wide range of services and charitable initiatives. The Our Lady Of Grace Council of The Knights of Columbus Council are invaluable in all they do throughout the Parish of Our Lady of Grace and the surrounding community.

Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. 


The Parish Council's mission is to provide advice and consultation to the Pastor. The Council addresses this mission by collaborating with the pastor in making major decisions, which affect the parish. Long-range planning and the setting of parish priorities receive special emphasis. The Council is a representative body, consisting of twelve members appointed and elected, plus the Pastor. Council members serve either a two or three year term. The Council meets every 60 days on the second Tuesday of that month. Special meetings can be set with proper notice pursuant to the bylaws. The council also has various ministries. Each ministry is accountable to the Council and the Pastor. Keeping with the mission of the Parish Council, each ministry meets for the purpose of identifying the needs of the Parish. 



The Building and Grounds Ministry advises the Pastor and Council on the repair and maintenance of Parish properties, evaluates the future needs of the parish, and helps to develop short and long term plans with projected costs.


The Community Life Ministry assists the parish in addressing the social, physical and spiritual issues of the parish and the community that it serves. The ministry responds to the needs of the community and works cooperatively with other churches and social agencies dedicated to alleviating poverty and curing social ills.


The Election Ministry conducts elections for elected Council seats and secures nominations for appointed seats on the Council. The ministry shall recruit parishioners whose special gifts and talents would be of benefit to the Council, and/or standing ministries.


The mission of The Family Life Ministry is to assist family members to grow in their faith in God and to provide resources to strengthen the domestic church. The ministry encourages families, in all their many forms, to grow and be formed in line with the gospel, and then to act upon those principles.


The Finance Ministry advises the pastor and Parish Council on all financial matters. The Ministry reviews income and expenditures, provides quarterly reports on the financial condition of the parish, prepares the annual budget for both operating and capitol expenditures, and helps to educate parishioners to the need of church support.


The Hispanic Ministry works to establish a direct connection between the Spanish speaking members of the Parish and those whose primary language is English. The Ministry works with the Parish Council to develop activities that serve to unite the two communities. 


We have all experienced personal trials in our lives which called for immediate prayer. To give spiritual support to those who are undergoing health or personal problems, we have established an "Emergency Prayer Chain" made up of prayer volunteers who respond to personal requests. Confidentiality is assured and the focus is strictly prayer, not counseling or discussion of intimate details. 


The Scholarship Ministry awards annual scholarships to those youths of the Parish that seek higher education. The ministry establishes guidelines and procedures that govern the selection of applicants and develops fund raising programs to assist in the funding of scholarships.


The mission of Our Lady of Grace Social Ministry is to provide socialization for all ages of the parish family. The Social Ministry works with all other ministries as well as with the pastor and Parish Council members to select and coordinate social projects and events. Funds raised at any of the events by the Social Ministry may be directed to the Conroy Scholarship Fund and/or the South Florida State College Sarah MacDonald Our Lady of Grace Scholarship Fund.


The Stewardship Ministry monitors and reviews opportunities for parish members to share gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

Stewardship is a way of life. It is an expression of our commitment to God and to our community. It is a way to thank God for His blessings and return them with increase to Him. We give of our time when we are time starved. We give of our talent when our talents seem to be exhausted by our jobs. And, we give of our incomes when it hurts just a little to share our "treasure" with the poor, the missions, or our church in the knowledge that all gifts originate with God Himself. Stewardship is a way of life, serving God and serving one another.


This Ministry provides direction as to the ongoing technology needs and available resources of the parish for the purpose of enhancing the Church ministries. It is responsible for construction and maintenance of the parish website, social media, equipment hardware, and software upgrades. It provides suggestions and strategies to the Council and pastor on the use of modern technology to improve the flow of information to the Parish Family and to the community as a whole.